Band Buster Line Release

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  • The "Band Buster" line release is one of the simplest line releases you can find. Also, it is very popular because it signals when a fish strikes, by transmitting the action to the rod tip, making the rod tip bounce. This release has been designed so that it won't abbrate your fishing line. It tracks straight through the water and will not tangle your fishing line.



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  • 4

    Posted by Barry Gilbertson on Aug 19th 2019


    I have using Band Buster releases for over 20 seasons. They aren't fancy but they get the job done. The only drawback is the rubber band being used occasionally slips on the line. Tying on a 2nd rubber band fixes the slippage. The release still functions well with the 2nd rubber band in use. False releases rarely if ever happen which is a big plus.